The Former Traveling Spotlight

The tales of a "30" something gay former stand-up comic living in NYC who is searching for his soul mate or soul...which ever comes first.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Dr. Digital

Today, I had my first appointment with my new oncologist. It's been long overdue, but when you don't have health insurance, you really don't have a choice. We did the basics, complete history, list of drugs taken, dates of surgerys, and type of chemotherapy I went through.

Next comes the complete physical, where the Doctor takes me into the back room, asks me to wear only a hospital gown and does the basics. Height (5'6"), weight (158 with clothes), Blood Pressure (114/72), Resting Heart Rate (51...woo hoo), Colesterol (103). We continued through the physical as he asked more about me.

"Are you straight or gay?" he asked.
"Gay" I answered.
"Dating anyone?"
(Thinking about my left hand), "No."
"Please Roll on your left side and face the wall."
I roll onto my side, while he puts on a glove.
"You said you were gay...this shouldn't hurt."
I wish I was somewhere else.

Good news prostate is fine.

Patrick - 1:05 PM -

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