One of the things I haven't mentioned to anyone was that my doctor (not the surgeon) did indicate some of the significant risks in this surgery. What would be normally low risk procedures are "labeled" high risk because of my prior health and surgical history. His suggestion? I should consider writing letters to any loved ones "just in case".
Fuck. Doesn't he have a way with words? Why not just say, "You're going to die. Say goodbye." I think the look on my face described exactly what I was feeling. Sort of the same feeling a person would feel when they realized that they didn't listen to the Pre-Flight Safety instructions and the plane is going down. The doctor, back peddled and said something about how "it's highly unlikely" that anything could happen.
I got the point. Don't worry, but be a little prepared. Let's hope the surgeon is just as prepared. I hope he practiced as a kid.
I'm not a generally serious person, so the idea of writing letters to the people who mean something to me is difficult. I like making people smile...not cry (unless they are ex's who deserve pain). I don't want to emulate the ending of the movie Terms of Endearment. So what am I supposed to say to people?
How about this?
Dear _____________,
If you are reading this letter, I didn't survive the surgery, or had some complication that means I will not survive.
Oops...My bad.
PS -- Your boyfriend? I slept with him. Sorry.
Patrick - 2:20 PM