Tuna Girl here again.
I was talking to Patrick tonight and he asked if I had posted to his blog today. I felt a little like a kid who hadn't done her homework.
"No, I haven't. I just haven't had time."
"Oh, I see how it is," he said.
So I sat down to try and write something funny. It is The Traveling Spotlight after all, and to quote directly from the man himself, "I like making people smile." Word has it that he likes making people (male people) do a lot of other things too, but that is purely speculation on my part.
I took a look back at what Patrick had posted for me when he guest blogged during my surgery. He included a lot of funny pictures of teeth and chipmunks and bad drag and poppers. So I thought it might be funny to find a series of pictures of what could be hanging from my ceiling.
Damn Internet image search to hell. I found a whole lot of plant hangers and pot hangers. And even more people hanging from their piercings.
Oh. My. Dear. Lord.
My skin is still crawling. So much for that idea. I decided to take a different approach.
Before his surgery, I asked Patrick if there was anything he wanted me to write about. He has this bit he wants me to develop about Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson. But I had to do research on those guys to even begin to make light of them. And that made me vomit.
So much for that. Different approach number three coming up.
When Lee suggested that I use my guest blogging opportunity to post, "nekkid, blackmail-esque photos of Patrick," I was going to reply that contrary to popular belief, I've never seen Patrick naked. Much less taken a picture of him.
But I was desperately searching through my image files today and I found...well...
I found pictures of him on our beach being all half-naked and goofy. And pictures of him wearing pasties. And pictures of him felating a corn dog. And more pictures of his ass than I can count.
It's tempting. But the poor baby is in the hospital. I just can't do it to him. Even though he did take a picture of me in a Yankees cap and cursed the Red Sox for another 86 years.
In desperation, I was going to start linking to some of the really wonderful stuff our friends have posted on their blogs (like Scott). I even considered sharing parts of some of the heart-touching e-mails, texts, and phone calls I've received. But there are way too many of those to even begin to list.
So in the end, I decided to keep it simple. But sappy. Because this is me after all.
Brain sent me a sweet e-mail. It ended with, "It's very cool that blogging brought the two of you together. Very cool indeed."
You're right, Brian. Indeed you're right.
Tuna Girl - 8:15 PM