The Former Traveling Spotlight

The tales of a "30" something gay former stand-up comic living in NYC who is searching for his soul mate or soul...which ever comes first.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Cumming Clean

Yesterday was coming out day and I completely forgot. It's the one day I'm supposed to stand up loud and proud and tell the world about myself. I do have a problem though. I don't know anyone who doesn't know that I'm gay. It's a little ridiculous to walk up to your neighbor and say "I'm gay" when that same neighbor saw you make out with a guy six months ago. I guess I could go up to my boss and say "I'm a big ol' mo!" But his answer would more than likely be "You going to happy hour tonight?" He knows me well.

But it was National Coming Out Day, so I should divulge something that most people don't know. That's getting more difficult. I'm a fairly open person about the more trivial things. Here goes.

*** I can't drive a stick shift. ***

It's an outdated skill, something that you never think you're going to need, until that one time when your friend has had too much to drink. This was the case back in college. One of my best drinking buddies and I went out for a night on the town, and we borrowed her boyfriend's car to get to the club. Drinks and dancing and flirting were performed until the club closed at 2:00 am. We had missed the last chance at a bus back to Boulder and my friend was not the best choice to drive us home. So she passed me the keys.

The Boulder to Denver trip is only 36 miles and most it is highway. The 6 stop lights to the highway are a whole different story. I blew my load and stalled out at least 50 times going 6 blocks. We both were suffering from whiplash by the time I finally got us onto the highway.

For the next 36 miles, it was pretty smooth sailing (except I think I left 4th gear on the bad) until we hit the stop lights of Boulder Colorado. 3 am and we are stalling and jerking all the way to the center of town, where my friend finally insisted I pull over into the parking garage. Grabbing her neck (which had to be in pain) she called for a cab to take her the rest of the way home. feels good to get that off my chest.

Patrick - 1:13 PM -

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