Semantics. They can be such a complication that even adults have difficulties with it. If I go out to dinner with another man, and run into someone, you can bet I'll be asked who my "friend" is. I've even been asked if someone was a "friend" or a "friend friend". Yes, it's confusing for adults, but imagine how it is for kids.
Currently the Tuna Daughter is having issues with this. A side reality, Tuna Daughter should be called tunagirl, but since her flying fish mom claimed the name, Tuna Daughter gets this one. Maybe she should be called guppy? Anyway...Tuna Daughter has asked a few times if I was Tunagirl's boyfriend. (***giggle***)
Well in a sense she is right, as I am male and we are friends, but by calling me "boyfriend" she is connotating a romantic relationship that others would perceive badly. I can just hear the military wives on base all cackling with the gossip that Tunagirl is having an affair. No...I shouldn't be called a boyfriend, and Tuna agrees, and corrected her. Once again, she explained in "child friendly" terms that some boys like other boys like her mommmy and daddy like each other. Tuna Daughter is smart and she understands, but she makes interesting connections based on explanations.
Mommy and daddy were boyfriend and girlfriend. Daddy and mommy got married and now live together, happily ever after (just like every fairy tale). Therefore daddy was mommy's "prince charming" and that's why they are together. So the next question out of Tuna Daughter's mouth is "Who is Uncle Patrick's boyfriend?"
***blank stare***
The kids are coming to visit the week of Thanksgiving. That gives me three weeks to find a boyfriend who is kid friendly. No stress.
Patrick - 1:07 PM -