I've come to a conclusion over that past 24 hours. My landlord is one fucked up son of a bitch.
My original lease required that I pay the last two months rent upon signing the lease, plus one month deposit. This lease will expire on December 31st. My next year's lease will increase my rent by $100. NYC law says that the landlord must pay compounded interest on my deposit money, not on prepaid rent. At my rent level, the interest can add up.
My landlord is now expecting that I pay this month's rent, plus the additional new monthly charge so that next year's last two months rent will be paid up front. Thus I now have to pay rent this month, when I wasn't expecting to. I have to examine my lease again over this, but in reality, the landlord has just gotten very used to receiving his monthly near mortgage amount of money.
Greedy asshole. Based on my prior history...I wonder if I've ever dated him?
Patrick - 3:55 PM