The tales of a "30" something gay former stand-up comic living in NYC who is searching for his soul mate or soul...which ever comes first.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Keeping Up Appearances
I received the following email on Friday:
Okay, kids, I just bought a batch of tickets for A Little Night Music. There will be eleven of us:
R & B (names are edited)
G & P
L & K
S & A
B & W
*****Saturday afternoon, running with a group of the Front Runners, we did the full 6.2 mile loop, and did it in 44 minutes. Our average mile was 7:14 a mile, which is way faster than I would usually run. I was sitting at the end of the run, panting and stretching out (while silently dying) when another runner came up to talk to me. During our conversation he said "You had a good pace. Most guys start slowing down after they turn 40."
*****Saturday night, 10:00 pm, I'm standing in the line at Fairway market and I'm looking at my basket (the one that holds food). I've got a container of ice cream, a gallon of milk, and three milk chocolate bars. I proceed to the checkout where the cashier tallies up my items. She gives me the price, looks at what I purchased and says, "Let me guess. You plan on sitting in front of the television and eating all of this tonight."
*****After seeing a show on Sunday, I was walking down 51st street towards 8th Ave. Two women were walking in the opposite direction and as they approached I could begin to hear what they were saying. Once I was in a few feet the one on the left said to her friend, "He looks like he would know."
"Excuse me sir", the one on the right said to me. "Would you tell us where we can find the gay bar called Vlada?"
*****Apparently, I'm giving off the signal that I'm old, single, lonely, and way too gay. Perhaps I need to shop for a new wardrobe?
Patrick - 3:47 PM