At the end of each day that the Tunakids were visiting, I would ask the kids what was the favorite thing they did that day. The answers were never what I thought they would be.
On Friday, we took the kids on the Staten Island Ferry and gave them a great view of the Statue of Liberty and lower Manhattan. The kids were more excited to see the floating piece of wood in the water.
It amazes me what things make the biggest impression on a person. For me, the biggest moment involved some things the Tunadaughter said. We took her to a Thanksgiving dinner at MAK's and K's place for dinner with a large group.
After dinner and dessert, Tunagirl took the kids into the other room to change them for bedtime. They were going to crash in MAK and K's bed until we were ready to leave. While changing them, the kids told their mom how much they loved the meal and Tuna Daughter asked if MAK and K were gay. Tuna answered with an affirmative, figuring that was the end of it.
Tuna daughter then asked if everyone at the table was gay. Tuna told her that the men were. Tuna daughter asked the mother of all questions at this point.
"Why do some people not like gay people? These guys all seem so nice!", Tuna daughter exclaimed.
Look out Focus on the Family...when this girl grows up, she is going to kick your ass.
The rest of the photos from the Tuna Family vist are here.
Patrick - 3:54 PM