When your single, it seems like your only personal goal is remedying that status as soon as possible. Yes...being single sucks. You have a choice, sit at home watching episodes of Law and Order, or get out as often as possible, attempting to meet as many people as you can, and hope that eventually you'll meet someone that you'll be able to tolerate long term. It's a jungle out there and we single people are in the weeds.
Meeting new people is a miserable situation that requires several things: Gumption, confidence, an activity besides drinking yourself stupid, and the necessity to look your best at all times. We singles will starve ourselves and exercise like crazy to maintain our looks. "Men don't make passes at men with fat asses."
Thus yesterday, in my never ending quest to meet a husband, my cohort in crime convinced me to take an aerobics class with him. It was my chance to simultaneously do two activities at once. Meet men and exercise.
Now I've taken aerobics before, including some seriously difficult classes, but this class was different. This wasn't a step class, or a high impact, or a body sculpting. This was Power Dance. Yes dance.
Power Dance
Jazz-style dance moves are choreographed into low- and mixed-impact routines.
Patrick - 3:10 PM