When I first started applying to colleges, there was one thing I was most anxious about. Living in a dormitory. The thought of having to share a bathroom with 20 guys was bad enough, but having to shower at the "shower pole" was just a traumatic thought to me. I was shy about my body and being naked in front of other people. I still am.
Of course that sounds a little ironic after somebody has had their face in your crotch. So maybe I'm not that shy..now.
Now I lucked out and lived in a student apartment with my mom for a semester before she dropped out, so I never got the whole dorm room thing. I've always had my own bedroom, so I never had close quarters to share, with my only worry being that a neighbor would see my naked butt through my curtainless windows. That or hear my "company" making whatever sounds he deems appropriate (like "ow, ow, ow..."). Until recently.
For the first time in my life, I'm living in a dorm room. I have a house guest sharing my studio until he "gets back on his feet", and I'm living through the events that all of my friends had when they were in college. Being in such a small space, I find it very difficult to have "personal" time. The kind of time that says, pop in the porn and pull out the lube...it's going to be a long and hard night. Now...I find myself having to "take care of business" in as quick, efficient, and soundless a manner as possible. It's amazing what you can do under the covers while a roommate snores 15 feet away. Let's just say I've become an efficiency expert.
Let alone my adjustment to the routine. For the first time in years, I'm not doing the post shower naked streak back to my bedroom area to get dressed in the morning. Heck...I've even gotten to showering with the door closed! It's like going to college all over again without the tests and class schedule.
I wonder if I should initiate the "towel on the doorknob" rule?
Patrick - 1:08 PM