Yesterday, I came to a conclusion. Your 20's are about "finding yourself" and what it is that you find important in life. The early 30's are about realizing that what you are currently experiencing is bascially what your life is going to be, unless you make some significant changes. The late 30's are all about accepting your limitations. After snowboarding yesterday, I accepted a limitation. There are much better ways to revive my youth (like liposuction, botox, and rent boys).
I traveled up the mountain with 4 other snowboarders (all who've only started this season) to the top of the Southern Peak of Mountaing Creek Ski Resort. You can click the map to get a better view of the trail map.
Yes, the south peak only had intermediate and expert slopes. My fellow boarders proclaimed "It's the East coast! How bad could it really be?" Getting off the lift, I think we had been transported to Arizona, and were standing on top of the Grand Canyon. My fellow boarders started their ride down the mountain...AND LEFT ME BEHIND. I stupidly took my first run 1/2 way down the mountain, where I switched to a lift that would take me over to the middle mountain, where easier runs might be. The trip down took me over 45 minutes.
Now some people may ask why I just didn't start over there. Mainly, because the bus left us all off at the Southern mountain. Their was no shuttle service between the mountains.
I got off the second lift, and looked at the trailmap, and realized something. I would eventually have to get back to the Southern lodge. I would like to make it to my birthday this week without an injury, so I took off the board and walked the 5 miles back down the mountain (using the snowboard as a sled on steep areas) until I finaly got back to the lodge and switched to skis, poles and boots...just in time for lunch.
Ariving upstairs, I sat at the end of the table, (where I grudgingly ate soup...AGAIN), as the other skiers and snowboarders arrived. Another beginner and I sat next to eachother and bonded over a cocktail.
My afternoon was spent in a civilized way, sking with a gay surgical resident from Norway, and a Lesbian graphics designer from the Upper East Side. God gave me two legs...I shouldn't fuck with that and strap them to one piece of wood. Unless it involves a sexual act. Any takers?
Patrick - 2:16 PM