The Former Traveling Spotlight

The tales of a "30" something gay former stand-up comic living in NYC who is searching for his soul mate or soul...which ever comes first.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Let Me Count the Ways

Seeing tomorrow I'll be in a perpetual bad mood as I'm single...yet again on Valentines day, I figured it was better to get the love crap out of the way now.

Ways to say "I Love You".

  • "How about you sit and relax. I'll do the dishes."
  • "Have you lost weight?"
  • "Your grandmother called. I told her you weren't home."
  • "No...I'll sleep in the wet spot."
  • "Let me get you the Midol."
  • "Did you want the wings or the overnights?"
  • "I want to do it in the position you like best."
  • "Why don't you quit your job. My job can pay all the bills."
  • "'s all about you."
  • "Can I hold your hand at the dinner table?"
  • "I really don't like to top."
  • "I only want to do a threesome if you are the center of the attention."
  • "There was somebody in the room hotter than you?!?"

Patrick - 2:39 PM -

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