Something I've never really liked about myself is that I'm a fader. I make an impression on people's lives, but as time goes on, and our lives take different paths, I found that I've lost contact. No big fights, just fade to black.
In my youth, it was because I moved so much. By the time I was in college, it became a habit, and I've only maintained contact with two people from my undergraduate degree. None from business school. It's been weird, but it's the turns in life.
So imagine my surprise that the person I mentioned in my last post (Jackie...the kissing bandit) would just so happen to Google search my name and find my kissing post. Yes, the girl I kissed when I was 14 happened to read my post and asked me the most important question that every straight girl that has an ex boyfriend who's gay wants to ask.
"Were you really gay back then?"
***blank stare***
No Jackie. I only looked at the fitness magazines as inspiration to work out...even though I didn't belong to a gym. I also purchased that Playgirl magazine "on a dare", and hung around the swim team because I liked watching swim meets. I never tried to sleep with you because I just respected you so much.
Patrick - 2:02 PM