Over this past weekend, I declared the Vietnam war active once again and I'm now on the hunt for Charlie. Now before you start organizing a protest, let me make my case as to why it's time to go to war.
A young Vietnamese "friend" of mine contacted me on Thursday evening and asked if I would attend an event with him at the gay community center. He wanted to go to the Speed Dating event for men in their 20's and 30's, but preferred a friend go with him.
Now I'm the first to admit...I'm not really a speed dating kind of guy. I like to get to know a person for while before I start making out with them. Three minutes isn't nearly a long enough time (Silence Tunagirl...you know too much). However, I know what it's like to not have a wing man with you, so I decided to do something selfless and join him.
The day before the "dates", my friends from Provincetown came to the city and we spent most of the night out partying and cavorting, so I was exhausted by Saturday afternoon. In fact, I looked downright haggard, and would have stayed home that evening, but since I had agreed to meet my friend...I showed up with bags under my eyes. Bags larger than most carry on luggage. I looked awful. But this was about my friend...not me.
At 7:30 pm, I arrived at the community center, and saw that my friend was also waiting. The speed dating was not starting until 8pm, so we discussed the logistics of how it works. All the men are paired up and get 3 minutes to speak. The lights are flashed to let you know that the 3 minutes are finished, then the men move onto the next person. This goes on for over an hour. Once this is completed, each man turns in his list of men he'd like to meet again. If you and someone else list each other as someone they would like to see again, a mutual match occurs and you are both given each other's contact info. It seemed fairly straight forward, and all we had to do was enter the room.
But my friend was getting cold feet. I tried to convince him to go in the room, and two other men also joined me. My friend finally got the courage and said yes...so I walked in, paid my $20 and sat down. When I looked back...
I was stuck there, and as the kickoff bell rang, I was introduced to my first "date". My evening highlights?
Patrick - 10:08 AM