Houston...we have a problem. A serious problem. Not situational comedy kind of problem that can be resolved in 30 minutes, but the kind of problem that when you hear the foreboding music, you just know we are all in for a life changing tragedy.
This past weekend, Tunagirl visited for NYC Pridefest. We did the usual "pride" events (i.e. drinking profusely in bars, my random making out with a man, attending the parade, my running a race, and our working the pier dance as volunteer bartenders). It was good times.
Sadly, the time wasn't long enough (although my liver would disagree). It's sad when your closest friends, nay, your FAMILY members go home. These are the people that mean the most to you, and seeing them go leaves an empty place where they snugly exist when visiting.
But we still have a problem. You see, as is always the case in my life, Murphy's law will kick in. If everything is perfect and wonderful...something is doomed to go wrong. An ex-boyfriend will call asking to meet for coffee, I'll get results from a doctor's office, the student loan people will find me, my rent will get raised or something equally worse.
That's the case here. Tunagirl left a box of unused tampons in my bathroom. I've been inadvertantly tampooned, and I can't go into my bathroom until they are removed. My gym is 4 blocks away and I have the bladder the size of a kidney bean.
This has the potential to be an awful month until she comes back to visit again.
Patrick - 12:39 PM -