The Former Traveling Spotlight

The tales of a "30" something gay former stand-up comic living in NYC who is searching for his soul mate or soul...which ever comes first.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Everywhere I turn in this city, people are reading the newest Harry Potter book. My copy doesn't arrive until tomorrow, so I'm slightly dying here. I'm avoiding all internet sources, and not letting anyone talk to me about it.

But since Tunagirl and the Tunakids are visiting, I decided to take them all down to Soho on Friday night for a celebration on the final book release. The four of us were admitted to "Harry Potter World", where we were alowed to make magic wands, pose for pictures next to a 20' tall whomping willow tree, and get our faces painted.

The face painting line was 45 minutes long, but the kids were really into the idea, so we waited it out. Upon getting close to entrance, we read to the children the different face painting options.

Me: You can get your face painted as a Witch, a Wizard, a Warewolf, A Unicorn, A Dementor, A Death Eater, A Phoenix, or Harry Potter.
Tunadaughter: Who's Harry Potter.

***blank stare***

Avada Kedavra

She quickly decided on unicorn.

Patrick - 1:04 PM -

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