The Former Traveling Spotlight

The tales of a "30" something gay former stand-up comic living in NYC who is searching for his soul mate or soul...which ever comes first.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Don't Make Me Sick!

Back in August of 2005, I was sleeping next to someone (yes...if he's good in bed, I might let him sleep over), when he woke me in the middle of the night worried. He informing me that I was choking in my sleep. Embarassed, I had to explain to him that choking while sleeping was a "normal" occourance for me. Going back to sleep, it was one of the many times I had said "I'd give anything to not choke while sleeping".

Be careful what you wish for.

Tomorrow I reach a milestone, anniversary.
1 year.
365 days.
525,600 minutes a gay blogger I'm required by law to reference a musical whenever possible.

But that's how long it's been since I had a solid food meal. As my surgeon and doctors have informed me, the way I'm eating now is likely how things are going to be for the rest of my life. They were able to fix one problem and I no longer choke at night, but it does mean that I am unable to eat solid food easily.

They do encourage me to "push the envelope". Thus, I try eating other things besides undercooked salmon, overcooked pasta, and other soft foods, like the steak dinner I had last weekend. However, you can only puke in the bathrooms of so many restaurants before you begin to wonder if the attempt is worth it.

I'm wondering if it's worth it.

My last meal was of all things...salmon. One of the few freaking things I can eat now, and to be honest...the company I had for that last meal wasn't the best of choices. If I had known...I would have had a huge steak and steamed broccoli.

Could have, would have, should have...whatever. I'm focusing on the positive here. My waist is 2 inches smaller than it was last year. Perhaps tomorrow I'll celebrate my year without solid food by having a milkshake.

Patrick - 3:07 PM -

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