When you're hurting for cash, you'll do some crazy things. I signed up for an experimental medical study, just to get the $600 bucks. I've been known to go to Macy's men's department for the free cologne when I've needed a recharge, and couldn't afford to buy any. I've even showered at the gym when I didn't have enough cash to buy shampoo. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
But the other day, I witnessed something even I wouldn't do...and that's saying a lot. I went with a friend to a local convienience store, as it was warm and we were both thirsty. We walked our way to the ice water section, where I grabbed two bottles. My friend, eyed the prepared and wrapped sandwiches. He then proceeded to pick one up, open it, eat it in the store and take his water up to the counter where he paid for only his water.
After we left (and I had picked my jaw up off the floor), I asked him why he had done as he had. "An egg salad sandwich is not worth $4.99!", was his answer.
I officially met someone who was more desperate than I've ever been.
Patrick - 4:31 PM