In this city, everything has a price, and it's expensive. Dinner out with friends? $60. Drinks out after happy hour? $15 a drink. Toilet paper? $5 for four rolls. Everything is expensive here, and it's difficult to save any money. Yet, I'm trying to be more fiscally responsible. I like to have a little money set aside in the event I have an emergency expense. I grown up of me. So I set up a special financial plan.
Anytime I have sex with a new person, I have to put $200 into a special savings account. For the first time in my life, I'm paying for sex...and it's beneficial! I'm paying for my own prostitute, except this is completely leagal. I figured it would be a great way to save up for deposits on a new apartment if I decide to move next Christmas.
So cut to last night. I'm talking to this nice gentleman at the gym. He's cute and we've been flirting all through the workout when he suggests I accompany him back to his apartment. Now normally I would have jumped at this chance. Cute guy around 25 years old wants to take me back to his place? Except, I'm not sure this guy was worth two hundred dollars. In fact, I'm not sure most guys are worth $200. Hell...I have a hard enough time spending $40 for a pair of the hell am I going to determine if a guy is worth the $200 sex ticket?!?
I might need to rethink this savings plan...
Patrick - 12:42 PM