The Former Traveling Spotlight

The tales of a "30" something gay former stand-up comic living in NYC who is searching for his soul mate or soul...which ever comes first.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


A year ago, my apartment looked like this:

Isn't it pretty? So neat and organized? It may be small, but nearly everything has it's place in my apartment. Yet I knew things would be a bit chaotic when I brought he rest of my belongings from Cleveland.

Thus, last Tuesday, my apartment looked like this:


Yet I've been working diligently to get everything put away. I will have a home...somewhere under those books. Most importantly, I finally have a desk in my window area, so that I can sit and type. I need a work space that allows for minimal distraction. Currently my laptop sits on my lap, as I face the television. That may work when cruising online for sex, but when actually looking to type an email, or work on the play that's half written on my computer, you need a work space.

However, I didn't have a chair. Until last night. My neighbor is moving, and she decided to trash her office chair. A beautiful black leather monstrosity on wheels. She put it out to the trash area of the building, and I waited until she was out of site to actually pilfer it.

I'll admit it...I felt a little embarrassed and dirty, going through the trash to get the chair out, but damnit...I'm poor! Thus, I wheeled the thing into my house, and put it up to my desk. The chair sits a little high, and I can barely touch the floor when I sit in it, but it seemed to be perfect.

Last night I used the chair for the first time. I opened the laptop and turned on the power. Sat down in my chair, leaned back and closed my eyes. When I opened them...I was in my kitchen. Thinking that I must have pushed off while leaning back, I moved the chair back to the desk. As soon as I let traveled on its own back into the kitchen. Remember in the movie Poltergeist when the chair slides from one spot in the kitchen across the room?

Either I have a ghost living in my place (like Tunagirl's ghost in the Cape house), or a really uneven floor, but either way I can't use my new found desk chair, as I can't stop it from traveling into the kitchen.

The positive...I can sit while I cook.

Patrick - 11:05 AM -

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