The Former Traveling Spotlight

The tales of a "30" something gay former stand-up comic living in NYC who is searching for his soul mate or soul...which ever comes first.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Time Lines

12:01 AM I'm cleaning the puke of the drunk guy that puked on my bar while ordering yet another glass of champagne.

1:18 AM While riding the A-Train home, the woman nearest me squats between two seats and pees. Clearly, she has been eating asparagus.

3:00 AM Still tossing and turning, I finally give up and realize I will not be sleeping, and get up to read a book. Search for copy of War and Peace. Settle on Memoirs of a Geisha.

5:00 AM Leave apartment to go for a short 2 mile run hoping to burn off the 10 pounds the doctor informs me I've gained.

5:01 AM Return to my apartment shivering and deciding I'd rather stay fat.

6:15 AM At the local diner for breakfast, the server accidently serves my 2 over easy eggs, with a side of sliced tomatoes and toast onto my lap. Clothes covered in yellow goo...I go home to change.

9:00 AM After one hour and still being the only one in the office, I ponder why I didn't grab a breakfast at a different diner on the way. Try to figure a way out of working tonight, as I'm scheduled to work a dinner for 800.

So far...38 isn't all sunshine and roses.

I've not really been upset about turning 38 this year, but I do hate my birthday. For me, birthdays are a reminder of where I should be, and less a celebration about where I am.

Patrick - 11:37 AM -

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