Yesterday...I finally found out what it's like to be a woman. No...I didn't get pregnant, nor was I sexually harassed (although I'd welcome that), nor was I passed over for a promotion by a less qualified man. Rather, I experienced something a bit more intimate.
Who here hates Whitney Houston? To me, she is a crack addicted pimple on the butt of society. That being said, I remember when she pretended to act in the movie "Waiting to Exhale". At one point, she has sex with this guy, who climbs on top of her and climaxes within seconds, and with that...he's done. She's left there, laying on the bed, thinking..."is that it?"
There is no excuse for bad sex. I can understand if Mr. QC (quick cummer) is excited and loses control...but we have rules in gay sex.
Rule #1: If you both haven't had aren't fucking done!
Patrick - 11:17 AM