A few years ago, I was sleeping next to someone who was snoring peacefully next to me. It fascinated me that he could look so damn sexy and so peaceful at the same time. Before I knew what I could really think about what I was doing, I reached out a placed my hand on his chest.
Ok...I'm lying here. I actually reached out and just ever so lightly caressed his nipple. What can I say? I've got an enormous sex drive and when a half naked man is sleeping next to me, and I wake up, I'm going to want sex again. Why not start out by lightly caressing his nipple.
Except that my bedmate at the time screamed like a banshee. Seriously, if had been a cat, I would have had to pry his claws out of the ceiling. He wanted to know what I was doing, and I did what anyone would have done. I denied that I had even touched him and said he must have dreamed it.
Saturday night, while sleeping in a tent, I woke up again, and looked over at my sleeping partner. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your outlook) I couldn't see him, as it was freaking pitch black out. So I lay there, trying to get back to sleep, listening to the sounds of the woods, and what ever wild animals were planning on attacking the flimsy tent we were sleeping in. We city folk are used to having more than nylon for bedroom walls. As I lay there, I imagined the bear that was most likely looking at our tent as a small snack, and unfortunately, I had to pee.
Thus, at 3 in the morning, I had to crawl out of my sleeping bag, out of the tent, and wander in the pitch black woods to a tree outside of the camp area to relieve my bladder. And I didn't think to bring a flashlight. Feeling my way back to the tent, I misjudged, and tripped over my tent mate.
He screamed like a banshee, and wanted to know what I was doing.
Can you believe I actually tried to convince him that he had dreamed it?
When I was first asked to go camping, Sitting in the woods, Saturday night, freezing my ass off, I realized something.
Patrick - 12:57 PM