The Former Traveling Spotlight

The tales of a "30" something gay former stand-up comic living in NYC who is searching for his soul mate or soul...which ever comes first.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

My Hole

Three weeks ago, one of my molars cracked and I am now missing a portion of my tooth. It feels weird, I'm concerned about this getting much worse before treatment (insurance takes forever to pre-approve crowns) and it's always on my mind.

So my dentist put a temporary filling in. And it promptly fell back out 24 hours later during the Italian gorging fest.

I went back to the dentist and he put in a "stronger" temporary filling, which lasted a whole two weeks, before falling out while eating onion soup in a restaurant.

And I called my dentist *again* looking for a temporary filling, but he says at this point, a temporary filling isn't the best option and instead I need to start the process and get a crown for the tooth. His secretary checked his calender and informed me that the first appointment he has available is October 17th. That's 16 days I exclaimed.

The secretary tried to appease me, but seriously...16 days?!? I ended up saying to her as I was hanging up "all I want is for him to put something in my hole!".

I hate when I have my own personal Beavis and Butthead moment.

Patrick - 2:50 PM -

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