Three weeks ago, one of my molars cracked and I am now missing a portion of my tooth. It feels weird, I'm concerned about this getting much worse before treatment (insurance takes forever to pre-approve crowns) and it's always on my mind.
So my dentist put a temporary filling in. And it promptly fell back out 24 hours later during the Italian gorging fest.
I went back to the dentist and he put in a "stronger" temporary filling, which lasted a whole two weeks, before falling out while eating onion soup in a restaurant.
And I called my dentist *again* looking for a temporary filling, but he says at this point, a temporary filling isn't the best option and instead I need to start the process and get a crown for the tooth. His secretary checked his calender and informed me that the first appointment he has available is October 17th. That's 16 days I exclaimed.
The secretary tried to appease me, but seriously...16 days?!? I ended up saying to her as I was hanging up "all I want is for him to put something in my hole!".
I hate when I have my own personal Beavis and Butthead moment.
Patrick - 2:50 PM